Monday, November 4, 2013


Today is monday and the topic is... 

"What did I wanna be when I grew up?"

Well, I am 15 and though some would think that the age of becoming an adult since I wouldn't say I've fully grown up in some standards (and I mean most!) I can still look forward to it in ways and do it activity.

In earlier blog posts I spoke of my transformation from wanting to be a cook to incorporating my culinary skills with my God-given mission to spread the good news all over the unreached world...

...But I don't have to wait til I'm old to start being spiritually open,"do not look down upon us because we are young!" says the bible. 

Our mission field is right outside our bedroom door.

You don't have to go to different countries were no one speaks you'er language and you get a parasite every time you drink there water (thats for people who are specifically called to do that I hope minus the parasite) It's right across the food court at school or a couple benches up on the bus.

We can't live our Christian life in a pew behind a hymnals then ignore God the rest of the week.

God saved my life from a early and painful earthly death and an eternal and flaming death in Hell away from God, and I am going to give him the glory for all the good and bad points in my life cause it was his to take or leave, and he picked up this pile of rags and made it into a beautifully flawed beacon of his redeeming light for all the world to see

Friends, let your Jesus show! 

Come back tomorrow when I'll serve up another semi-entertaining tale about my family, my life and my world.
Blessings, Jethro

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