Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday suprise

Sunday surprise and the topic given is "...and that's how I landed in the ER!" 

Shockingly the only time I had to go to the emergency room ( that's worth telling) is when I got hit by a car a few days after my 5th birthday and broke my right femur.

I was at my mama and papa's church for vacation bible school and for some stupid reason we had to cross the street to get to an activity. 

but of course most 5 year olds would listen to Barney or Mr. Rogers when they sing look both ways when you cross the street, but me being a little country bumpkin I didn't have very much practice with traffic. 

Anyways, I crossed the road and got hit by a car. scramble to call an ambulance and knocking a few years off my mothers life accrued and I spent three days in the hospital. 

And that's how I landed in the ER! 

Come back tomorrow when I'll serve up a semi-entertaining tale about my family, my life and my world.

Blessings, Jethro 

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