Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Truth or Dare Tuesday

Truth or Dare Tuesday.... I suppose I'll pick truth and the question is what item do I have that I don't know why I have it?


Well, first an explanation as to why I have a man's incontinence pad in my room. 

My dad is hilarious.

(I swear I don't really need them!) 

Bennett men who have a sense of humor have sent each other toupee samples and adult diapers since the beginning of time. But that has an explanation.

With the lovely assistance of my younger brother Daniel, we ventured into the proverbial depths of our room and found something unexplainable...something both intriguing and frightening:  a crate full of old, pulled apart, disfigured baby dolls with eye balls and various limbs missing.  Since it's only dudes who live in our room, I have no idea why they are there! Along with this horrifying display, we also discovered a box with (apparently) a pet gym sock. 

We'll name him Jim. 

Come back tomorrow, when we'll be serving up another semi-entertaining tale about me, my family, and my world.

Blessings!  Jethro

2 Timothy 1:12
That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.

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